Eldohub Miliki Accelerator

Entrepreneurship development program for emerging entrepreneurs, startups, and SMEs.

KIEP-SKIES Eldohub Miliki Accelerator

Are you an entrepreneur who has been in existence for the past 2 years and would want to be part of our accelerator program.

1 +
Partnerships Established
1 +
SMEs Reached
Tech Startups & professionals
1 +
Business Coaches

Helping fast moving innovators scale with purpose.

Eldohub Miliki acceleration program supports Tech startups and MSME’s in rural and peri-urban of Kenya to quickly nurture, grow and scale homegrown innovations into successful business through a market tested and proven acceleration model. The program involving business coaching and mentorship, digital transformation, Seed capital, investors readiness, Angel and Venture Capitalist matching services.

We drive innovations in rural and peri-urban center, by providing equitable opportunities to startups and SME’s to scale through digital transformative approach Miliki green
Accelerator, Miliki business accelerator and Miliki investor Networks. This includes green innovation in renewable energy, advancements in farming and agriculture, electric vehicles, sustainable environment, climate change, and circular manufacturing processes to champion the transition to the green economy.

What we do at Miliki


Supports startups and MSME’s at growth stage to scale their business to global market through digital transformation, become investor-ready and access to finance through grant and equity options.

The program provides partipants with coaching sessions from experienced professionals to help them implement their business idea effectively.

Miliki offers participants with training on entrepreneurship, business canvas, design thinking , digital marketing, Financial modelling among others.

The program provides participants with one on one mentorship with successful entrepreneurs who will help them to navigate through the business environment.

Our Partners & Supporters

Benefits of the Miliki Accelerator Program

We supports startups and MSME’s at growth stage to scale their business to global market through digital transformation, become investor-ready and access to finance through grant and equity options.

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Creative Support

We transform brands, grow businesses, and tell brand and product stories in a most creative way.

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Creating Experiences

We cover a large range of creative platforms and digital projects with one purpose.

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Product Consulting

We guide you through the pipelines that generate new products with higher potential and lower risk.

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Business Boosting

We provide energy-efficient and environmentally conservative solutions to our clients to boost their business.

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Strategic Approach

Based on solid strategic framework and real, relevant research, we create prototypes, not presentations.

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Logistic Consulting

We work buy side and sell side to give our clients hard hitting answers and focus hard on best opportunities.

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Aggregation & Execution

Next it is about aggregating the ideas, developing a project plan and calendaring the activities to ensure time implementation.

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Ongoing Evaluation and Refinement

An area that is challenging for most companies is ongoing evaluation of strategy with periodic reviews.